Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Playing peek-a-boo in the pool. When we woke up this morning it was 25 degrees. I miss the shark pool :( 

My sweet sleeping baby with his bottom in the air. I love a sleeping baby! In this photo he has his pacifier, but not any more! We took it from him in the car and going to bed a while ago, but we would give it to him if he woke up in the middle of the night (which was every night). But then, miraculously, he slept through the night for about a week straight. BAM. No more pacifier! 

We had to make a Target run for the essentials, beer and peanut butter :) 

I love this photo! 

Addison was in tumbling and I was trying to work with her on cartwheels and headstands. Pretty soon, Ryan wanted to try. I was pretty impressed he could do it! I didn't try, but I'm sure I can't anymore!! 

I didn't get a picture of Addison because I was always helping her. I tried to teach her how to brace herself against a wall or the couch. Which reminds me I need to work with her again, I forgot about it! 

Ha, Mason used to find Brayden's school picture in the drawer and he would talk to Brayden. No idea what he was saying, but I found it funny. It was like he was telling Brayden about his day. He would just jabber to the picture, I would give anything to know what he was saying! 

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