Tuesday, November 2, 2021

4th of July Parade

What kid doesn't love a water bottle cupboard? Addison loved playing in this cupboard and no surprise, so does Mason. I sent this picture to my mom and she responded that it reminds her of my aunt Vicki because Vicki always let the kids have fun and make a mess in her Tupperware cupboard. I figure, a little mess is worth their entertainment :) Ha! 

This little girl and her horse - she loves this thing. Although lately, the horse stays in his trailer because she doesn't want "Wreck-it Ralph" aka Mason to get all the little pieces. We took the horse to the Ames house while getting our house ready to move. She loved going to visit her horse. Ha! 

It's about time, Mason started to wrestle with Addy. We needed him to toughen up to handle Nolan. Ha! Then we needed to teach Addison how to fight back so she doesn't get picked on in school. Mason would sit on Addison or pull her hair, and she wouldn't defend herself. We told her it's okay to push him off, she's worried about hurting him. My kind-hearted little girl would rather she be hurt than her little brother :) 

Ames Fourth of July parade. Addison kept getting beat to the candy by some teenage boys but she got a icee thing and was excited. It was a hot day but we had a good time! She loved the icees and balls they threw out. Mason's favorite was the balls of course. 

 This picture was from her old school on "Wheels Day". She loved wheels day and couldn't decide what she wanted to take each week. 

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