Friday, November 19, 2021

Omaha Zoo Part 1

Because of my very business work schedule this summer, it was hard to find a time to get to Omaha. We ended up having to go on a weekday in July because I was working every weekend. But it worked out well. Addison loves "driving" the vehicles. 

The helicopter made noises, Mason loved it! 

The fish pond was a big hit! It was crazy how the fish actually jumped over each other to get the food. It was pretty entertaining to watch. And yes, we did feed the fish. Normally, we say no, but we said yes today because the fish were crazy and it was entertaining. ha! 

These pictures are my favorite! Mason was excited to get out of the stroller - ha! 

 The aquarium is always one of our favorites. I think we went through it 3 or 4 times. Our favorite is the penguins, but we took this picture for Alissa, Mason's daycare provider. She told Addison to be sure to find some sea turtles for her. Addison didn't forget! 

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