Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Video Updates

This was back in May I believe, he was so determined..... but struggling so much. This isn't great video, really just included it for me to look back at - ha! 

Our little softball player! I really hope she likes the sport :) 

This one is just funny. She's really come out of her shell and become more 'adventurous'. 

 Everyone has fun in the shark pool! 

Monday, November 29, 2021

Pictures of the new house

We visited the new house and took a bunch of pictures to send to Grandma Rita. This is our new pantry, one of the more exciting features of the house in our opinion. 

another favorite area, our "black wall". It was kind of a bold move for us but we loved it! 

And the black house. We like black :) The builder already planned to paint it black and we could have changed it, but decided not to. It was the right choice :) 

We are also excited about the "big" deck. It wouldn't take much to beat out our other deck. We did have to add the stairs, how ridiculous that decks don't come with stairs! 

I love the fireplace and built ins! 

Addison wanted to be in some of the pictures. There isn't much that we chose or customized for this house, but those "x's" are one! 

Addison & Mason's bathroom

The bar

The giant basement bathroom

Our shower - I love all the gray/white


We did have to add the coat closet, another good decision! 

And the bench 

 And the master bath, I was pretty excited for the tall linen cabinet. It's sooo nice to have! 

It was fun to watch the progress being made, although I'm glad we didn't watch from the start! We would have been too impatient :) 

Monday, November 22, 2021

Gotta get that pacifier.....

Ryan's just working on some conditioning. It was probably an extra 50 lbs on his back. I can't remember how many push-ups he ended up doing, we will say 50. Haha :) 

This kid will get the pacifier any way he can - ha! We were trying not to let him have it while he was just hanging out around the house, only in the car and at bedtime. Addison used to seek out her carseat like this too - ha! 
And because there won't be a photo to remind me later, we took the pacifier away from him in the car I think in August. Then we started putting him to bed without it, but if he woke up in the middle of the night we would give it to him (mainly because he woke up a lot and we were way too tired to 'fight' with him in the middle of the night! 
Then I think it was early October, he slept through the night for about 5-6 nights. It was awesome! Then he started to go on a great sleeping streak and viola - the pacifier was done! 

Just checking to see what's for dinner :) This kid is always hungry, like his mom! 

He had 3 pacifiers and would take a few sucks and then switch it out with a different color. Then every once in a while, he would reach up and twist the pacifier. No idea why, it's the same shape and shouldn't matter. Ha! 

Oh man, our big girl practicing on the school bus. The bus came to daycare to talk to the kids and they 'practiced' getting on and getting buckled. She was SO EXCITED. 

 Mason found his new favorite perch. He loved looking out the window and checking out what was going on in the neighborhood. He couldn't walk yet, but he could climb up on the chair :) 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Omaha Zoo part 2

Addison and Ryan were able touch a star fish. I was surprised Addison did it, but she had no hesitation! 

Again, there can't be enough photos & laughs at how Mason rights in the stroller. He's 18 months and doesn't do that anymore. 

Mason liked watching the water falls. Addison and Ryan took a route that we couldn't take with the stroller. The rain forest wasn't as impressive as I remember from years ago, but it was still okay. 

Told Addison to pet the lizard, she wasn't sure if it was real or not. Ha! 

Back to the aquarium! We could have spent hours there. We were trying to capture a penguin in the background but that didn't work. 

The elephants never got real close to the fence and we went by a couple times! We had a good time watching the giraffes though. They were close to the fence and pretty active. It was fun watching Mason when he saw the animals. 

Two years ago, there were some lions that fought over some meat in the back of this truck. It was awesome. Ha! It was so close to the glass there was a slight fear but it was cool to see the lions actually DO something. Usually they just lay around.... lol. 

And right before the zoo closed (like 20 minutes) we went to the playground. It was a pretty sweet playground, and super tall. Addison had a great time and was very sad when we had to go. We got there at 10;30am and left at 5pm. And we all could have kept going. Mason took a couple little naps in the stroller but Addison went strong all day. No whining or crying, she was great! We did about 15,000 steps that day :) 

Going across the rope bridge. We need to hit up the playground a little sooner next time! Or maybe buy the two day pass (we just make it a day trip).

Friday, November 19, 2021

Omaha Zoo Part 1

Because of my very business work schedule this summer, it was hard to find a time to get to Omaha. We ended up having to go on a weekday in July because I was working every weekend. But it worked out well. Addison loves "driving" the vehicles. 

The helicopter made noises, Mason loved it! 

The fish pond was a big hit! It was crazy how the fish actually jumped over each other to get the food. It was pretty entertaining to watch. And yes, we did feed the fish. Normally, we say no, but we said yes today because the fish were crazy and it was entertaining. ha! 

These pictures are my favorite! Mason was excited to get out of the stroller - ha! 

 The aquarium is always one of our favorites. I think we went through it 3 or 4 times. Our favorite is the penguins, but we took this picture for Alissa, Mason's daycare provider. She told Addison to be sure to find some sea turtles for her. Addison didn't forget! 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Mason's 1 year pictures

Playing store/restaurant at the Pirate Park. Going to the parks with Mason this summer was a little challenging since he was crawling. But this one isn't too bad with the rubber instead of wood chips.  

Our little rule breaker. Can't walk, but tries to climb slides. 

Mason is 18 months now but I'm just posting his 1 year pictures (that I took when he was 13 months). 

We had to do these photos twice, Mason would not cooperate. Ryan and Addison tried so hard to make him smile! But the props were quite distracting as well and he never sits still. :) 

But we did get some good ones. I sure hope this kid likes baseball :) 


Wednesday, November 3, 2021


Playing peek-a-boo in the pool. When we woke up this morning it was 25 degrees. I miss the shark pool :( 

My sweet sleeping baby with his bottom in the air. I love a sleeping baby! In this photo he has his pacifier, but not any more! We took it from him in the car and going to bed a while ago, but we would give it to him if he woke up in the middle of the night (which was every night). But then, miraculously, he slept through the night for about a week straight. BAM. No more pacifier! 

We had to make a Target run for the essentials, beer and peanut butter :) 

I love this photo! 

Addison was in tumbling and I was trying to work with her on cartwheels and headstands. Pretty soon, Ryan wanted to try. I was pretty impressed he could do it! I didn't try, but I'm sure I can't anymore!! 

I didn't get a picture of Addison because I was always helping her. I tried to teach her how to brace herself against a wall or the couch. Which reminds me I need to work with her again, I forgot about it! 

Ha, Mason used to find Brayden's school picture in the drawer and he would talk to Brayden. No idea what he was saying, but I found it funny. It was like he was telling Brayden about his day. He would just jabber to the picture, I would give anything to know what he was saying!