Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Easter Bunny

I love this picture! We were getting ready to go see the Easter Bunny at Bass Pro (yes I'm so far behind on posting!) 

 Told Addison to "strike a pose" and this was what she did. 

They did great! COVID was a good thing here, there was a plexiglass in between them and the bunny. Addison did wave at the bunny from the line we stood in. And biggest plus, Mason didn't fall off the ledge. ha! I was pretty worried. 

Addison asked us if the Easter Bunny would talk to her. We said no, bunnies can't talk. She says "Well there is a person inside there and people can talk!" Geez kid! Too smart for your own good...... 

We wanted to take a few more photos. We also went to see the fish, Mason was pretty enthralled. Addison had lots of fun looking at the fish too. 

Teaching Mason how to drive the little blue truck! He wasn't quite sturdy enough and fell off a few times - ha! We have to teach him to hold on and put his feet up :) 

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