Monday, June 21, 2021

Animal Learning Day

ISU had an Animal Learning Day at the Hansen Ag Building. We had never been before but had heard good things. Right when we walked in, there were two giant turkeys. And they were gobbling. I thought it was cool :) We found out they were the two turkeys that President Trump pardoned last Thanksgiving. Names are Corn & Cob. 

I tried to get her to pet the pigs, but she wouldn't. But she would get close enough for a picture. 

She was pretty excited to sit up in the tractor by herself. After this, she told us she would pet the horse. I couldn't believe it. So I was holding her and we went to pet the horse. I was petting the horse's nose and then he whinnied. LOUD. It scared both of us!! So she didn't pet him and we moved on. Ha! 

Then we couldn't believe she told us she wanted to milk the cow. So Ryan went with her. The girl explained what was going to happen. 

Addison chickened out but Ryan did it! 

Addison did hold the chick though :) She said it tickled. Thankfully she held it long enough for me to get a picture! 
We also got to see sheep, goats, cows, and dogs. Just didn't get pictures with all of them. 

 Then we got a free lunch. We had a little picnic in the grass outside the ag building. They gave us some yummy pork burgers, chips, granola bars, fruit snacks and waters. Addison did a number on her giant pork burger. Mason loved the bottled water. It was a fun day, we will definitely go again next year! 

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