Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Addison's 5th birthday party

We were headed to Minneapolis on a Friday night for Addison's birthday. Doesn't everyone comb their hair with their feet? He stayed awake almost the whole ride, he fought through the sleepiness and wouldn't give in. Ha! 

Thought we should take a family photo as Addison's schools seem to constantly want family photos and we have very few! 

This little guy didn't like a lot of people but he has warmed up to Grandma Rita a little bit. I have to take advantage of any moment I can for photos! 

Addison's 5th birthday party! She was pretty excited for balloons and to go to Tracey's. Gifts were probably 4th, after cake. 

She got a lady bug suitcase and backpack from Grandma & Grandpa, she is dying to go on a vacation! 

We were so excited that Reagan and Erin could come visit! I am that it works out every once in a while when we are in MN :) 

All the kids! 

Mason was being nice!! :) Have to get pictures when he lets someone else hold him - ha! 

She got to go to Walmart with Tracey to pick up her cake. The baker let her go back to the kitchen and asked if there was anything else she wanted on the cake. She said a sun, and so the baker added a sun while Addison watched. Addison thought it was pretty cool! Addison was so excited to turn 5 and rainbow colors are her favorite. 

 As I'm typing this, Addison and Ryan are doing addition and subtraction flash cards. Trying to get this girl reading for Kindergarten! 

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