Tuesday, June 22, 2021

First Trip to DQ

So after we went to the Animal Learning Day, we were planning to go to Hickory Park for Addison's birthday. But since we got the free meal at the Animal Learning Day, we decided to take our first trip to DQ instead. It's been quite a while since Ryan or I had been to DQ, so we were pretty excited too. 

Addison & I shared the peanut butter lovers (Reese's peanut butter cups and peanut butter sauce). It was super yummy! Ryan had a turtle blizzard (or something with pecans). Addison thought it was pretty exciting and now notices DQ whenever we drive by. 

This little guy didn't get any ice cream or pet any animals at the Animal Learning day.... but he still had fun (we think anyways). 

He doesn't love grass, but when he has pants & socks on he at least tolerates it! Addison hated grass for the longest time! 

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