Saturday, June 19, 2021

11 month photos

Little dude was not sleeping well at 11 months. Kid wakes up a ton! Like probably 5-10 times a night. It went on for what felt like forever. He loves playing catch and when Dad runs a truck over his head. He shows some attitude when we take away things he shouldn't have. 

Swinging at the park in my goofy hat. Addison wanted to push him. 

 I'm not sure what's going on with Addison's crazy face..... but I do know that buddy had a stomach bug. He was getting sick a ton and you never knew when it was coming. We went for a walk in the old stroller in case he got sick on the walk. It was not fun. Then I got sick. Then Addison got sick. We had to cancel Mason's baptism :( Then Ryan got sick. UGH!! It was a long long week......

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