Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Birthday Sundae

We met Grandma Rita & Grandpa Ron at Hickory Park for Addison's birthday lunch. She was so excited for Hickory Park and getting a birthday sundae. She also got a few little gifts from Grandma & Grandpa, she thought it was great! 

 Then we took her to the new miracle park. She thought it was a pretty special day! 

One of my favorite outfits on the little dude! He's almost a year in this picture. He has 6 teeth and loves to eat. He isn't crawling but scoots everywhere on his bottom. He's gotten pretty good at scooting and is pretty fast. 

Addison is showing off her little bear that she got from Iowa Radiology. Her doctor ordered a CAT scan. Addison did great at the CAT scan and got this bear from the staff. She was so excited. She had been experiencing headaches, low fevers, and vomiting roughly every 3-6 weeks. Sometimes we get a little longer in between. We have been keeping track of them for a year or so. Then this past winter, she would get sent home from preschool with a headache and fever, and they would make us go get a COVID test. UGH. We knew it was probably just her "regular headaches". Poor kid had like 3 or 4 COVID nose tests. I said if she was told to take another test, I was keeping her home. It was ridiculous. Hopefully we are at least out of the woods with the COVID tests anyways. No answers on the headaches, fevers, vomiting, but we did visit another specialist. Hopefully we can figure something out! 

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