Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Julius Christmas

Look at that outfit!! And that little smile! How cute is that? Thanks to Nolan and his hand-me-downs :) This was taken the day after Christmas, before we headed to Ames. 

We wanted to try out the new bike before heading to Ames. She was a little wobbly but did good. She told me she couldn't look at me because she needed to watch where she was going. Ha! 

Aww, this was back when Mason would let people hold him. Ha! Christmas was about the start of his stranger danger. It's March as I write this, but he cries if people look at him right now. Ha! He's seen my parents a few times in the last few weeks and lets my parents talk to him and play toys, but they can't hold him. 

Addison's trying, gotta give her credit - ha! Mason just got done crying. Had to hurry up and take a few photos before the chaos started. 

The boys playing Toy Story Yahtzee with Addison. Addison hung out at the table a lot because Scooby came and she was completely freaked out. The chairs at the table were high enough Scooby couldn't "get her". It was a bummer this year, we didn't get to see the Skjeveland's the day of our Christmas. Makena had been sick and so they got her tested for COVID. It came back negative, but they stayed home another day as a precaution. It was Makena's birthday too, I felt pretty bad for her. It just wasn't the same without the Skjevelands but at least we got to get together! 

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