Thursday, March 11, 2021

Christmas Eve & Christmas Morning

Well here it is March 11, and I'm writing about Christmas Eve :) Seems so long ago.....

They made reindeer food at school so we put it out in our yard. She was so excited for Santa to come. And asked LOTS of questions :) 

As you can see, we had a dusting of snow at Christmas. She kept saying "I'm so excited to have a white Christmas". I'm not sure she totally understood what she was talking about, but she was pretty excited about it! 

She carefully and thoughtfully picked out what cookies she would leave out for Santa. And she wrote him a note too. 

Santa didn't know how to wrap one of the presents, so he used a blanket. Caught this one peeking :) She was so excited that I'm surprised she slept. This was at a time that she got up about 5 times after we put her to bed, then she would come in in the middle of the night and wake us up. We had to make the rule "You can only wake us up if you need to pee or puke" - ha! She didn't always follow the rule, but it might have helped a little. Around Christmas time, both kids were waking up 2-5 times a night. And never at the same time! I was sooo glad that we were working remotely so we didn't have to get up as early on weekdays!

 The kiddos with their Santa gifts. I think Addison was just as excited for Mason's gifts as she was her own. 

Mason's first Christmas! I know you aren't supposed to compare your kids, but Addison started crawling in December. Mason wasn't close to crawling, but that was okay. We watched videos of when Addison was that age, man, we had a lot more room in the living room - ha! A lot less toys back then :) 

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