Sunday, March 28, 2021

Fiesta Bowl!

This was taken on Jan. 2 as we got ready to watch the Cyclones play in the Fiesta Bowl! They were playing Oregon. No fans were allowed at the game due to COVID. Tracey was the most disappointed, she says she's been waiting for a post-Christmas bowl and we finally get one, on her birthday nonetheless and then fans aren't allowed! She was pretty bummed. BUT, the Cyclones WON so that made everyone very very happy :) They won 34-17. I don't remember for certain, but I'm sure we drank champagne to celebrate :) What an amazing football season for the Cyclones! 

My drooly Cyclone fan :) At this point in time, Mason was having wardrobe changes part-way through the day because his clothes would be soaked! But he's a happy guy so that's all that matters. 

Pure joy :) She gets to feed Mason and he gets to eat. Ha! Our families tease Mason about not missing a meal..... 

We had been talking about it for a while, but finally taught Addison how to play the wii. She had fun! With a little practice, she has gotten pretty good at some of the games! 

Mason tried an omelet! We eat a lot of eggs in our family so we hope Mason enjoys them too. 

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