Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Julius Christmas continued....


This girl was so excited to open presents! I loved the excitement. 

We bought Nolan a donkey like Addison's, she was excited to give it to him. We thought the crazy kid would enjoy bouncing around on it. Addison was excited to show Nolan how to bounce on it, not that he needed instructions! 

Clearly, Nolan is excited for her dollhouse! Addison was pretty confused right away, she didn't know the dollhouse was for her! They had told her the big gift under the blanket was for Parker. And apparently she kept trying to peek under the blanket, ha! So when they took her to "open" the present, she still thought it was Parker's! Before she opened the house, Nolan was playing under the blanket and apparently was laying on the 2nd floor of the house - haha! 
Nolan LOVED playing with the dollhouse furniture. Addison was going crazy because like her Mom, she is particular about her things. 

 Love this picture - ha! They played well together :) 

We had to snap this picture quick because this was the closest Addison got to Scooby. You can see him sneaking in a sniff of Mason. Don't worry, Addison freaked out a second later when she realized he was there! I hope she gets over her dog fear soon, she's been scared almost 2 years now. Her fear is real. She is stressed out a lot. We went for a walk the other night and I realize her eyes are constantly peeled looking for dogs. She saw dog legs under a van two houses away and told me there was a dog, I couldn't see it. Finally I did, I realized she is constantly on edge when we are outside. I feel so bad for her!! 

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