Wednesday, March 10, 2021

A shoulder ride

 Addison says during dinner one night "So I am thinking you could get me a pick-up truck or a car that doors open by themselves. What are you thinking?" Ha! You are 4 kid. But she really wanted an answer from us as to what we were thinking, she was serious. She tells us frequently that when she gets a car, she can drop Mason off at Shannon's :) 

Addison has such a kind heart and wants to do things for others. Since Ryan gives her piggy-back rides and shoulder rides..... she wanted to return the favor. Ha! 

Look at these happy kiddos! Christmas was so fun this year, Addison was totally into all the festivities.

Our little rule follower was trying to make sure Mason didn't do anything he wasn't supposed to. She gets really worked up if he has something that isn't a baby toy (which is nice). She had a nice little talk with him about our tree and how he can't touch the Christmas bulbs. She always talks to him in a high pitch voice, it's kind of funny. 

She made gifts for us at her little school, she was SO EXCITED to give us her gifts. She made this canvas print with her teachers at school and the little Christmas lights are her finger-prints. It was super cute! She has it displayed on a shelf in her room. 

We spent a lot of nights making cut-out cookies..... because we kept eating them all - ha! I just told Ryan the other day that we need to make more because we are out. But I'm trying to clean out all the other cookies in the freezer first. Those cookies are so good!! 

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