Tuesday, March 23, 2021

7th Anniversary

Julius Christmas was over, she was out within a few minutes of getting in the car. She loved her new Barbies and wasn't going to let them go. She was pretty excited about her new dollhouse and dolls!

She was also excited about her new Trolls dress up clothes. 

Ha! Nolan visited the Olson's and he loved their kitties. 

I fed him some toast with guac. Look at that face! He wasn't so sure about that..... He did try it but then threw it on the ground. But that doesn't mean much, he threw all food on the floor. And then leaves over to look at it. 

Happy 7th Anniversary! Our annual anniversary photo. This one with the new addition of Mason :) As you can see, he wasn't too thrilled about the photo. I can't remember why he was crying, but it was funny. We celebrated our anniversary by watching bowl games, hanging out at home relaxing, and watching a movie and drinking wine that night. It was a good day! 


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