Tuesday, December 31, 2019

3 year old photos - Post 3

When Destri had her do this, I didn't think I would like the photos. I ended up thinking they were super cute! 

I wish I could remember what she was reacting to! 

These last two are some of my favorites as well. Love those pretty blue eyes! 

Monday, December 30, 2019

3 year old photos - Post 2

More 3 year old photos - there were so many good ones this time! 

I love this picture! 

Girl loves her pockets :) She was so excited when she tried the dress on and found out there were pockets.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

3 year old photos - May 2019

This year went much better than 2 year old photos! She did really good taking photos with us and by herself. 

She was trying to pick the tiny flowers/weeds. 

She liked the purple flowers in the trees :) 

Friday, December 27, 2019

Mother's Day

Mother's Day 2019 - I will be honest, I can't remember what we did that day. I'm guessing we went out to eat and then probably to a park for Addison to play. 

We did family photos in May and as we were leaving and walking to the car, we found some tulips. I made Addison take some more photos. 

She did really good at family photos this year. I will post some of them next time!! 

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Making the change.......finally

So Addison was 3 years and 1 month and she was still completely satisfied in her crib. After my mom teased me that Addison would be 18 and still in a crib, we decided we should probably get rid of the crib. 

So we made it a Dad & Addison project. She had no idea what was happening but she was so excited to help. 

First night in the big girl bed. It went really well. She's been in the bed for 7 months now and she has probably gotten out of bed on her own a handful of times. She still yells for us. Sometimes we wish she would just get up and get her own drink of water instead of yelling for us, but for the most part we are happy she stays in bed! 

We found some corn from the pumpkin patch in her bed. ha! 

Another Dad and Addison project was changing out the light. She is usually pretty excited to help dad with anything he's doing. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

3 year old well-check

Took Addison for her 3 year old well-check in May. This was the first time she had to wear a gown. She looked so cute I had to take a picture :) The check-up went great and she doesn't have to go back until she does her Kindergarten check-up (that's scary!)

We had left the TV on while we went out to the garage to work. We came back in the house and "The Secret Life of Pets" was on the TV. Addison was absolutely in awe because we never see cartoons on the living room TV :) Cartoons only play on the TV in Mom & Dad's room - ha! (Best idea ever, thanks Landon)

Target had 1 day where Vineyard Vines was sold there. Addison loves "the whale store" so we had to go. Two of her favorite places: Target & Vineyard Vines. They didn't have anything small enough for Addison, but she will have a super cute shirt when she's 5. :) 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Nice day at the park

We headed to Ames on a nice day in May to take Addison to Hickory Park for her birthday sundae. She wasn't so sure about all those people singing to her.

Then we found a park near my work that has a merry-go-round. Since her time in Humboldt, she discovered her love for the merry-go-round. The new parks in Bondurant don't have them because supposedly they are "dangerous". I mean, Ryan does have a scar because of one, but that was his own fault not the merry-go-round :) 

Working on our upper-body strength. Pull-ups are next. 

We loved Italy but we were so happy to be home with our munchkin again!! 

Showing us her new bike she got for her birthday from the Skjevelands. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Breakfast with Reagan

Erin, Brandon & Reagan were in Des Moines back in May to see family but make time for breakfast with us :) Addison was SO EXCITED!! 

Aww the obsession with holding babies begins. Addison kept telling me afterwards that she held Reagan and she wants to hold her again. Then we saw Nolan a few weeks later and she was tickled pink we let her hold him. Then this fall every time she sees Nolan, she wants to hold him. We will see him on Saturday for the Julius Christmas and I'm trying to tell her that he is 9 months old now and may not want to be held..... haha! She keeps telling me "mom, I just need a REAL baby to hold, not my dolls". I see this is where the obsession began... with holding Reagan :) 
It was great to see them and happy they made time for us! 

Friday, November 22, 2019

More on the farm

My dad did send me a few pictures while we were gone. He got her out in the tractor some and she loved it. I love this picture with her looking up at him. She occupies that buddy seat well. 

Ah, the sign of a true farm kid.....getting a little tractor nap. She apparently slept that way for 2-3 rounds. At least she can sleep sitting up and didn't need to rest her head on the window. I used to wake up with such headaches! 

She made some trips to Shoppers (or whatever it's called now) and she enjoyed the baby chicks. 

And she took our pinwheel out to the cemetery for her Great Grandpa & Grandma. 

"Kelly, you can't see me now"

Addy and Makena playing with her new Troll figurines. That kid loves little figurines! 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Venice, last post

It's hard to see, but both the photo above and below are chocolate fountains. Italians love their chocolate fountains! 

Doesn't he look like he belongs in Mary Poppins? Ha! He bought himself a giant chocolate cannoli. It was really cheap too, he was so excited. I however waited outside while he made his purchase because the doors to the bakery were open and there were pigeons in there. Italians go about their business and ignore the pigeons, they freak me out. haha! 

Well I can't get this photo turned for some reason, but this was our meal at our farewell dinner. Venice is known for their seafood. There was sardines, octopus, egg squid, and I can't remember the rest. That's what I get for doing this 6 months late. I tried the egg squid and the octopus. I was able to swallow them but can't say I enjoyed it. haha! I'm definitely not a seafood person. Ryan does slightly better than I do. We did eat fish a few times on the trip (at group dinners with no options, haha). Some wasn't too bad. Thankfully they serve you such large meals that you were still stuffed without eating the seafood!! 

Well that's it. 15 days in Italy. I know this blog is supposed to be dedicated to Addison, but I thought someday she might like to read about our exciting trip to Italy. It's a trip we probably could never or would never do on our own. I remind myself of this awesome opportunity during some 16 hour days or 60 hour work weeks on repeat. It helps me get through sometimes. haha!! I'm told this is one of the best trips we offer by some co-workers who have hosted it. It was amazing and the travelers were great. We see some of them at football games and a few at basketball now. And we keep in touch via Facebook. We have the best travelers! 

OH - and we got home about 9pm and my parents and Addison were waiting for us. Addison acted the same as she would if we were gone for work that day. The next day or the day after, she asked if it was time to go back to the farm. Ha! Even though she was sick, she apparently had a good time. She has been talking for 3 months about how she is going to have her 4th birthday on the farm. She's going to take a helicopter there. hhmmm...... anyone want to help me out with that one?