Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Nice day at the park

We headed to Ames on a nice day in May to take Addison to Hickory Park for her birthday sundae. She wasn't so sure about all those people singing to her.

Then we found a park near my work that has a merry-go-round. Since her time in Humboldt, she discovered her love for the merry-go-round. The new parks in Bondurant don't have them because supposedly they are "dangerous". I mean, Ryan does have a scar because of one, but that was his own fault not the merry-go-round :) 

Working on our upper-body strength. Pull-ups are next. 

We loved Italy but we were so happy to be home with our munchkin again!! 

Showing us her new bike she got for her birthday from the Skjevelands. 

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