Wednesday, December 25, 2019

3 year old well-check

Took Addison for her 3 year old well-check in May. This was the first time she had to wear a gown. She looked so cute I had to take a picture :) The check-up went great and she doesn't have to go back until she does her Kindergarten check-up (that's scary!)

We had left the TV on while we went out to the garage to work. We came back in the house and "The Secret Life of Pets" was on the TV. Addison was absolutely in awe because we never see cartoons on the living room TV :) Cartoons only play on the TV in Mom & Dad's room - ha! (Best idea ever, thanks Landon)

Target had 1 day where Vineyard Vines was sold there. Addison loves "the whale store" so we had to go. Two of her favorite places: Target & Vineyard Vines. They didn't have anything small enough for Addison, but she will have a super cute shirt when she's 5. :) 

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