Thursday, December 26, 2019

Making the change.......finally

So Addison was 3 years and 1 month and she was still completely satisfied in her crib. After my mom teased me that Addison would be 18 and still in a crib, we decided we should probably get rid of the crib. 

So we made it a Dad & Addison project. She had no idea what was happening but she was so excited to help. 

First night in the big girl bed. It went really well. She's been in the bed for 7 months now and she has probably gotten out of bed on her own a handful of times. She still yells for us. Sometimes we wish she would just get up and get her own drink of water instead of yelling for us, but for the most part we are happy she stays in bed! 

We found some corn from the pumpkin patch in her bed. ha! 

Another Dad and Addison project was changing out the light. She is usually pretty excited to help dad with anything he's doing. 

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