Monday, October 1, 2018

Zoo Part III

As we were walking out we found a fountain. Addison thought it was fun getting splashed, but I think Ryan might have had more fun. 

Ryan, Addison & Evonne outside the zoo. I didn't realize until we were gone that we didn't get any family pictures. I need to be better that. 

We stopped by the baseball stadium in the parking lot on the way to the car. I was trying to teach her how to lead off. She somehow still had lots of energy to run the bases. 

It was a small field that I don't believe they actually play anything on. I think it's just for site-seeing. She ran the bases a few times. 

She zonked out in the car with her Paw Patrol guys about 30 minutes into the drive home. She had so much energy we weren't sure she would even fall asleep! 

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