Thursday, October 4, 2018

Pride Rock

Annual photo with the pride rock in Bondurant. To my knowledge, there is one pride rock in a county, and we have Polk county's. 

We have been working on our baseball skills. How do you think it's going?? Well if the pictures show her skills, I'm going to say her dad taught her. Ha! For the longest time, she would only hold the big end of the bat and she poked the ball like she was playing pool. I realized I needed to relax when it really bothered me that she held the bat and wouldn't swing. She's two. She has plenty of time to learn. Plus she was having a blast doing it her own way. I've always been pretty relaxed and let her do things her own way. But when it came to baseball, apparently that was my "thing" that got me worked up. HAHA! These pictures are two months ago, I will say she's definitely made some progress since then.

I particularly like the "no pictures". She went through a short phase that every time she saw my phone out she told me "no pictures". haha! 

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