Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Splash Pad

"Addison if you stand here, smile and say cheese, we will go to the park" And that's the smile I got. ha! I am not above bribery to get photos this stinkin' cute. 

We found this awesome little park in Ankeny with a little splash pad. It's just four little sprayers in the ground, not usually crowded, and best of all, it's free. There is a little pole where you just tap it and it starts the water. Addison was timid at first and only put in one finger, but soon she was running through it squealing.

We went to this park a few different times, one of those times Grandma & Grandpa met us there. Addison absolutely loves watching this video on the phone of her and Grandma running through the water. I had to take a video to show my siblings that our mom was actually running through water - ha! The things they will do for grandkids.......

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