Tuesday, October 30, 2018

My new trike

Addison got a new trike for her birthday. We decided to test out the wheels on after this summer. Yes, I'm still about 3 months behind on posting! She was super excited when we put the trike together. I'm not sure she knew what it was, but she was excited. The trike is a little larger than Addison but that didn't stop her.

Trike = 1    Addison = 0

She fell and skinned her knee pretty good. We were shocked, but she didn't cry. No way that didn't hurt! She probably knew if she cried we would go inside. ha! She is one determined little girl. 

So then she walked the trike. We kept telling her the trike was too big, so she started pushing it. This made Ryan and I laugh, she is going to grow up like Phoebe on Friends and only push her bike. Her and Ryan walked it up and down the block a few times. 

And since then, she wants to get the trike out pretty frequently. She apparently enjoys pushing it! She thankfully can't ring the bell yet, but I can't get Ryan to quit ringing it. I am pretty sure houses 4 blocks away hear the bell....

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