Saturday, October 6, 2018

Doesn't everyone put rags on their head?

This kid and her rags.... she's so funny. Yes we read a number of books with rags on her head. She would carefully get up so they wouldn't fall while she picked out a new book. 

She was wanting her baby to sit at the picnic table with her but the doll wouldn't sit up. So I dug out her bumbo chair for the doll. But Addison thought it was a good chair for her - ha! 

Her new shades we got at a parade. She loved them! 

Being a good mom and taking care of her baby. She is "clipping" her toe nails. haha! It's so fun to watch her "take care of" her baby. She takes her for walks, gives her a bottle, rock her, put her to bed, etc. It's pretty entertaining! 

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