Saturday, June 16, 2018

Time for cake!

Addison was getting tired of all the photos but she still did pretty good :) 

Now the good stuff. She doesn't get cake often, or hardly ever actually, and she thought it was pretty darn good. It's about the only thing she ate that day!

We thought this photo was pretty hilarious, that look she's giving Parker - ha! 

We spent a little more time outside after naptime. 

Addison was loving my old Mickey Mouse phone. It's not hooked up anymore but Grandma still kept it. I got this phone when I was in about 4th or 5th grade. I was soooo excited. Tracey had a Mickey phone where his hand held the receiver. I wanted one just like it. I was pretty obsessed and was sooo happy when mom bought me one. I spent a lot of hours on this phone talking to Erin! 

I remembered and dug out this one of Makena. Pretty darn cute! 

Well it was a short day but she was sure tuckered out. She had as good as birthday celebration as she good with a 101 degree fever :) We saved most of the gifts for later, but that's okay. We only got about two or three gifts open. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I love that you mom kept the Mickey Mouse phone!!! Love that thing!!!
