Friday, June 8, 2018

Addy's chores

Once again, trying to get all her hair up in a ponytail, she's getting closer! 

Addy needs to earn her keep. Taking pop cans to the garage to recycle and then also taking any milk jugs out have become her responsibility. She's quite good at it. She was helping Grandpa Ron one time at his house, and he told her "it's going to take a while if you only take 2 cans at time" (the whole family was there, we had quite a few cans......) We said "she can take more, just keep handing them to her" He did, I think she got 5. ha!

This was back in April when she really got into bird watching. She would sit at this window forever (and still does) looking for birds. Now we are more interested in bunnies. :) 

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