Saturday, June 23, 2018

Happy Birthday, Again

So I really wanted to do something fun for Addison for her birthday. I wanted a weekend of celebrating :)  But since she wasn't feeling well and I had to work on her actual birthday, we had to postpone the fun activities. So the weekend after, we went and got donuts. Of course I had to try to make her blow out candles again. She was not thrilled about a sprinkle donut in front of her and not being able to eat it right away - ha!

And since she's two and couldn't care less what we do, we decided to do something fun by going to a new park. Ha! Figured I better save money for birthdays when she's older and actually cares....

There is a really nice park in Ankeny that had tons of activities for her size. She was quite excited!

So I thought she was too small for this slide, but Ryan said she was ready. It had some bumps in the slide. She did really good, she went down it a few times. I was impressed. Then we put her on the edge slide, which curves a little, and she flipped over and banged her head on the edge. Then there were tears. But we made her go down a slide again before we left so she wouldn't be scared :) 

And this is how she fell asleep after the park. With her rag in her teeth. haha! 

 Addison LOVES cookies. So it's really fun to give her one because she gets really excited! And her cookies had Paw Patrol characters on them and that gets her even more excited. Skye was her favorite at the time and that's who is on this cookie.

These were the cookies she took to daycare for her birthday. Grandma Rita came up with the idea, they turned out great! 

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