Saturday, June 30, 2018

Happy Mother's Day

I got to sleep in a little bit on Mother's Day. Ryan mentioned once in conversation with Addison that morning "Maybe we should go get donuts for Mom". She exclaimed "Donuts!!" and ran to get in her chair. She was extremely disappointed when Ryan told her they had to go buy donuts. She wanted a donut RIGHT NOW. haha! So they got dressed and went to buy donuts, I got up because I could hear her squealing. :) 

We didn't realize she really knew the word "donut" but apparently she does! 

She was wearing my shoes and reading my book. She continually takes my bookmark out so I have to search for where I left off! 

Annual Mother's Day photo. We didn't do too much, went out to eat, did a little shopping and just relaxed at home after a very busy week at work for me. It was a great day! 

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