Wednesday, June 27, 2018

My new hat

Addison opened her gift from Brad, Lori, Nolan and Garrett. She thought her new kickball was a hat. She kept telling us to put it on her. As much as she liked it as a hat, I think she likes the ball better! 

Aw, the pigs and dice. One of her favorite toys. If you can call it a toy. I'm not even really sure where they came from. I think the dice were just extra dice I threw in a bag and the pigs were from a jacks came. But Addison LOVES them. She loves to take them out, line them up, put them in cups, then put them back in the bag. She's been trying to put them on a spoon and carry them as she walks so she can join in on the silly games the Julius family plays. She watched us play that game with Brayden, seeing how far he could walk across the room without dropping the items on the spoon. Now she's been playing it on her own. It's so funny the things she picks up! 

Ryan tried to get her picture again while I was at work. Not much better. Ha! Oh well. 

My running partner. I was trying for a race and have been taking Addison out running with me. She LOVES to go out with me. She's sees me getting ready and she runs to get her shoes. It's definitely harder to run with the stroller, but that's okay. I enjoy the company. Although, I joke with Ryan that he's putting words in her mouth......If I stop to take a break, she keeps saying "Run? Run?" Haha! Give me a break kid! 

I snuck over her shoulder, I love watching her play with her dolls. There are two new little ones at daycare now, so she's very into feeding and putting her babies down for a nap! Last night, we even saw her pretending to put paint on her dolls hands and feet and then pushing them down on the floor, like she was making a craft at daycare. haha! 

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