Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Look Whoooo's Two!

This was the start of Addison's birthday weekend! To start the weekend, I worked a 16 hour day on Friday. It was a late night then Addison got up bright & early. Not because she was excited, but because she wasn't feeling 100%. I'm surprised we actually got a little smile in the photo above! She is holding her Skye soap that she got in her Easter basket from Grandma Rita, she loves it and carries it around the house. ha! 

Saturday we headed to the farm to celebrate her birthday with the Julius side. It was actually the day before her birthday, but it's what worked for us. Aunt Kelly got her the awesome cake. 

Once she starting getting her finger in the frosting, she decided it was pretty delicious! 

She's saying "oooooo" in response to her lit candle. 

We were missing Brayden, he had some baseball games that day. 

Addison loves owl's so we thought we would incorporate some owls in her birthday. She was super excited! More to come.....

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