Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Go Cubs Go!

Well kid, it finally happened. We have been secretly talking about it (just you and me) all summer, but I can't believe it happened. Our Cubbies made it to the World Series!! WooHoo!! We are super excited, me and you. I think your dad is a little happy too. He grew up being a White Sox fan, but I think he's starting to like our Cubbies more and more. I caught him watching them a lot this summer. :) Me & you watched a lot of Cubs games while I was on maternity leave. We often times watched replays in the middle of the night. Your favorite player of course was Addison Russel. Remember Addison Russel hit a home run on April 23, the day we named you. We think you were good luck. That's Grandma Rita's favorite player too. You also like Javier Baez, because he's got quick hands to make good plays and Javy is a fun name. And we like Kris Bryant because that's Brayden's guy (and he's also pretty handsome). It's been a pretty fun team to watch. Your Uncle Landon kept trying to get Cubs tickets for the playoffs and World Series. If he does, we are sending you with him (since you get in free).

You have always liked watching baseball with Mom & Dad. I had class last night, but Dad told me a cute story. Last night was Game 1 of the World Series. You were sitting on Dad's lap, watching the game. Kyle Schwarber had a nice hit. You intently watched the hit, the ball bounced off the wall and Schwarber got a double. After Schwarber was safely on 2nd, you looked up at Dad and gave a big smile. Dad said "it's like she knew exactly what happened and was happy". I said of course, we have been watching baseball all summer, she knows the game! We keep telling dad it's still baseball season, it's not football yet!

You went to bed last night when the Indians were up 3-0. We haven't told you yet that the Cubs lost. It was only Game 1.

This is a big year kid. The Cubs haven't been to the World Series since 1945 and last won in 1908. Go Cubs Go!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

23 weeks

This picture makes me laugh...she looks so awkward. This is not a very flattering picture, sorry kiddo.

Another pair of Cyclone jammies! These are fleece jammies, it finally got cold enough we could wear them. We weren't sure if we would get in them before she out-grew them.

Addison & her pumpkins! Thanks to Grandma Rita for the ridiculously cute outfit.

We forgot Casper in the first pictures. Ryan likes to take Casper and make ghost noises and try to scare Addy. She laughs at him. I got home from class one night and he told me "I've been practicing my ghost noises" - haha! I should get a video.
Addison, Casper came from your Grandma Rita. She gave me Casper when I was in college, I think sophomore year. She filled him with candy and brought him to me. I love Casper and sometimes he stays out for 4 -6 months. Your Uncle Landon has Joe Mummy, or as Brayden calls him - Mummy Joe. When Brayden calls, he asks to see Casper, so we have to go down to the basement to show him Casper. When Brayden was 2, your Uncle Landon had him convinced that the pumpkin was full of spiders. It was quite humorous! Needless to say, no spiders, all candy :) 

Addison has gotten to the stage where she is interested in what we are eating. From what I read, that's a sign of being ready for baby food! She eyed every forkful of mac and cheese and wouldn't let go of the bowl. She watches my every move while I eat cereal. I tell her all the good kinds of cereal she's gonna love :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Our daycare posted two pictures on Facebook. Addison does really good at daycare and we are very very happy with our daycare. In my opinion, Shannon is a saint for taking 5 kids under the age of two!

Yup all the kids play, our kid sleeps. Probably because she didn't sleep much the night before....

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

More candy!

Oh man, I love holiday outfits!!  

Addison loves her redneck exersaucer. However, she likes Henry's better because she could spin the barrel that makes noise for an hour! 

Pictures are getting hard, she keeps messing up my backdrop! 

Addy and her pumpkin from Grandpa Ron. He writes the kids' names on a pumpkin each year. I love that Addison gets her own pumpkin as my dad did that for me growing up. I can remember checking on "my pumpkin" in the field to see if it would get bigger than Landon's. :) 

Her shirt says "Keep the candy coming". 

She just sits in her car seat with her burp rag hanging out of her mouth. She sat like this for quite a while.....

Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 22

Conner came down for the San Jose St. game. We were all doing something, so we told Conner to watch Addison. 

I don't think she sat there long enough to squirm though. Grandma Rita's floor is pretty hard, so that's probably a good thing. 

It was chilly one night as we were going for our walk, so we put a coat on. This is Makena's 3 month coat. Little short but it worked! 

She was laying in the center of the blanket and rolled off while she was sleeping. Ryan and I have seriously considered buying her a dog bed. She sleeps in the living room, so why not? Plus it might hold her in place a little better! 

Going for a walk and Ryan told her she looks like an old lady going to the gym. The sweats were a little big. :) 

Addison loves her some rice cereal! Ryan makes "nom nom nom" noises and she looks up and smiles. You can see that I'm holding one arm down, but needed the other to take the picture. If we leave an arm free, she helps you feed her.

Waiting for Grandma Rita to comment on the junk in the background of my pictures :) 

This was a different night, so the counters were a little cleaner, ha! 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Sick baby

Well, the inevitable happened. Thursday Sept. 15 at about 4pm, I got a text from daycare that Addison wasn't eating great and had a fever. I had class that night, so Ryan was on his own. As I'm getting to class, Ryan tells me that he took her temp and it was 101. ugh. I was pretty worked up since it was the first time she was sick and I had class. So I sat through a presentation by Principal's former CEO (it was actually really good) and kept texting Ryan. FINALLY I got home.
This was my little ball of fire. I couldn't believe how hot she was. Ryan was sweating because she wouldn't let him put her down. I felt so bad for her! Thursday night was rough. She wouldn't let us put her down and I struggled to sleep because I was worried (clearly our first time). About 2am, Ryan came downstairs and took over and I got 3 hours of sleep before getting up for work.  Ryan stayed home with her on Friday. Her fever broke that afternoon but she still wanted to be cuddled and was only eating 2 ounces at a time.

We apparently didn't take any pictures on Friday. These were on Saturday, when ISU was playing at TCU. She was still wanting to snuggle and not back to normal. Still was only eating 2-3 ounces. We got outside and got some fresh air.

She wasn't letting us put her down at this point, so Ryan held her for her weekly photo.
Felt a little better Saturday afternoon and played in the exersaucer! Took another picture of her crazy hair. It's dark at her rat tail, then there is a bald ring around her head. It's pretty blond on top.

Sunday we got some smiles!! Feeling better and eating more on Sunday. Slowly getting back to normal.

Monday morning we were happy before daycare! Mom can finally relax. It was a long weekend....

So I was at class and got this picture from Ryan. The bottom of the exersaucer from Kelly got lost somewhere from Minnesota to Iowa. So Ryan used redneck ingenuity.

Came home to find this. Thankful I was able to get my phone out for a picture in time. She was holding the book and listening intently. She likes that "noothbrush on my toothbrush" :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Yum Yum Yum

The rice cereal is going pretty good! She loves to look down, which is super annoying while you try to feed her. You can't see if you actually got any in her mouth! But just this last week, she will look up if you say her name (sometimes it takes saying it repeatedly really fast for about 20 times, but she does look up, haha)

 She loves to grab the spoon while she eats. So Ryan lets her. We usually try to hold her hands down and she loves to put her hands in her mouth with the cereal.

Every time we use the orange bowl, she tries to grab it! This night was the first time with the orange bowl and she loves it. She leaves the other colors alone. You can also see in the one with her and the spoon, she refuses to sit like a normal kid in the bumbo.

She's practicing for real cereal and drinking the milk :)

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Catching up

So I realized this weekend that I was missing some photos that were on Ryan's phone. So I uploaded photos from his phone to my computer and realized there was more than I thought. Which has now screwed up the blog, printed photos in albums, and my Shutterfly books! Oh well...
She was probably 3 days old here. Ryan's trying to make her hold a ball.

First doctor's appointment. Man she looks so small! Look at those wrinkly feet and those thighs so thin you see the bone. Now she has rolls on her knees!

Big yawn. Her hands are still clenched in little fists. She was 4 days old at this doctors appointment.

First time mom and I didn't bring a blanket for my naked baby at the doctor. I didn't realize how long she had to sit with no clothes! What's really sad, I didn't learn. I forgot a blanket at 2 months too. Tried to cover her with a burp rag. I remembered at 4 months and it was hot in there and she was all over the place so we didn't use it. Ha!

We took this picture because her arms appeared stuck in this position.

Ryan took these while I was at class. He got her new Bob stroller put together.

She looks so little!

Ryan's friend Dan has a little girl that is about a month older than Addison.

One of the first times in the bumbo! You can see I was nervous....

This is what we came home to the first time we left her for a full day. We went to MN for Makena's play and to see the Skjevelands new house. Then we went to Clear Lake that night for a friend's wedding reception. Got home to find our munchkin tuckered out at Grandma & Grandpa's!

Hey, we had a rough night. We wouldn't be on the couch and floor if it had been a good night :) Ryan thought this was pretty funny, both his girls sleep with their arms above their heads!

One of the first time she found her toes!

Ryan's FAVORITE jammies. They are pretty soft and you can't beat Cyclone jammies.

Tummy time! He sent this picture to me while I was in class.

 Haha these pictures make me laugh! I think I included one of these in an earlier post. Ryan sent me these while I was working late one night. As you can see, these two enjoy their nights while I work late or am in class!!

Another one I received in class.....Addison got her thumb stuck in her pacifier and got mad! Ryan said it was pretty funny.

Can't remember if I was working or in class, but he texted me that someone fell asleep playing. She was playing with her blanket and then took a little snooze :)
So from now on, I will keep up with the pictures on Ryan's phone!