Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Tree Lighting

Went to Slater in early December for the Tree Lighting and fireworks. It was a little chilly but the kids didn't mind - ha! Addison loves fireworks so we thought we would check it out. Next year, we are going earlier, they gave away a bunch of prizes! 

Tried to get a quick picture in front of the big tree. It's in the middle of an intersection on main street. 

This kid loves books. I attribute it to the baby room at daycare. It's not uncommon for me to read for him for 20-30 minutes at a time. That's a lot of short books! Ha! I love that he will sit and look through books on his own. 

The kids are matching with their baseball hats. 

Mason loves the Magic Tracks! It's one of his favorite things to pick out of the closet. But for some reason, he thinks the cars are a head massager and he runs the cars in his hair. His hair hasn't gotten caught in the tires yet.....but that's part of the reason I don't like getting the tracks out!! Ahh! 

This one would be better as a video, but he was excited because he saw Iowa State on the TV. I cannot say enough how much we love his excitement for Iowa State! 

 Addison and I were out running errands, she was busy multi-tasking in the back seat. She was working on the computer and then answering emails on the other computer. Then she would answer her phone because she is the boss and her employees "just can't do it without me" - haha! 

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