Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Julius Xmas

One of my favorite photos from Christmas! Love this one. Mason is hard to get a smile out of, so this was a winner :) 

We don't take many family photos, so I try to get one every once in a while..... 

With her pile of presents :) 

She wanted this soooo bad!! No idea why. But it was something she talked about a lot. Grandma Rita came through - ha! 

Just last night she said, "Can I wear my Grinch dress?" If that dress is clean, she wears it! She has worn it to school on jammie day too. Great gift Grandma! 

Mr. Nolan playing with Tracey and his new Magnadoodle. The Christmas magic through kids' eye is the best!! 

This crazy kid loves to be a little different :) The cyclone blazer will be a little big, but hopefully he grows into it. Makena was so embarrassed. We also got him a shirt that said "Born to drive a tractor, forced to go to school" 

Conner helping Nolan build his farm. 

The "big" kids. Makena was 15, Conner 14, Parker 13, Brayden 10

Twins! They must be in style, Makena picked out this shirt for Parker :) 

More to come...... 


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