Friday, April 22, 2022

Holiday Night at Dance

Addison had a "holiday night" at dance class, where she was supposed to dress up in Christmas attire. Well, I was tickled pink......she got to wear her Grinch costume again. Ha! And we had found some striped tights from Makena. PERFECT! I felt I had a big "mom win" :) 

Mason does this quite a bit.... this is his "I'm embarrassed" or "Don't look at me" reaction :) 

Addison doesn't usually let Mason play with her cash register. She left it out one day he found it. He thinks the scanner is a telephone :) 

Trying for a good picture! The Elf brought a singing Rudolph, the kids loved it! 

Mason, however, did not love his picture being taken :) So we tried to get a good one of Addy solo. 

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