Sunday, April 17, 2022

Santa & a Gingerbread house

We went to a pancake breakfast at the Slater Fire Station. It was yummy! Mason pounded some pancakes. 

But then things went downhill for Mason when we went to see Santa..... haha! We left this day and Addison said "I'm going to get TWO dolls, TWO Kinetic Sands, and TWO unicorns" We asked why she thought that and she said "because I told two different santas so they both have to get those things for me". Oh boy....... lol. 

Building our ginger bread house. Went for the traditional look this year :) Also, we bought the pre-assembled house. Game changer. It was great! Doing a ginger bread house was much more enjoyable and less frustrating this year. Ha! 

 The Elf brought Addison some sweettarts. Good thing he put some on the table that he wasn't touching.....she could barely hold back her excitement to eat them! 

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