Thursday, December 3, 2020

Preschool Update

I have saved some screen shots from the app for preschool. She LOVES preschool. She is so excited every day she gets to go. They started the year in hybrid form, she went two days a week. Then October 19, she went full time (4 days a week). Then November 16, she had to go back to hybrid as COVID cases have gone crazy in Iowa. She was so sad! 

She gets to do "speriments" (aka experiments) and loves it. Although she usually can't remember what she does, so I really appreciate the notes the teacher sends. 

Addison has Ainsley in her class in the hybrid model so she at least knew 1 person when she started. We have been trying to encourage her to branch out and make new friends, but she is pretty shy/timid so we aren't real sure how that goes. Ha! We did conferences with her teacher and they said she listens and follows directions very well. We are pretty grateful she got into preschool (it was a lottery). I think she enjoys the activities and the challenge. 

One things she loves about the hybrid model is that she has "homework". The teacher sends us a video to watch of them reading a book, and then we have a short activity to do on the iPad. Addison gets so excited and bugs me to "do my homework". Although, since she has returned to hybrid two weeks ago, I've forgotten to have her do her homework.....oops :) 


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