Monday, December 14, 2020

Back to the farm

October 10 was a beautiful day! We were able to attend another football game, against Texas Tech. This game was obviously warmer, but still wasn't too bad wearing a mask. We won 31-15. 

Addison stayed back at the Ames house and helped Grandma Rita babysit Mason. 

I just looked at last week's weekly photo (31 weeks) and he's wearing the same outfit. Ha! 

Addy doing tummy time with him to show him "it's not so bad". She definitely helped, but he still wouldn't stay there too long. 

Addison's school was closed on Columbus day, so her and I headed to the farm. This girl LOVES the farm and I LOVE that she loves it. :) Great part about COVID is how much time we got to spend at the farm this summer. We rode the four wheeler, jumped on the trampoline and she went and rode in the combine. I didn't get any pictures in the combine, I took her over to Gary's and she rode in the tractor out to the combine. She thought it was pretty cool. She was quite worried about what snack she was going to put in Grandpa Ron's lunchbox for the combine ride. Ha! She must be my kid, always thinking about food. She did get a little nap in on the ride. 

And then we did the farm kid thing and climbed a tree. As you can see, we needed to start with small goals. It took some convincing for her to do this. Ha! Mason will probably be the adventurous on that we can't control. That's how Brayden and Nolan are.... Brayden is the cautious rule-follower and Nolan is WILD. 

Little more adventurous here....I lifted her up there. She was pretty proud of this. There were a couple trees I used to climb as a kid but they were probably too big for her. 

Can't leave out this happy boy! He doesn't jump in this thing the way Nolan did. Nolan was crazy in this thing! Jumped himself right to sleep one day. 

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