Sunday, December 6, 2020

Astronaut Mom

We got together with Lisa and Lauren's families in late September, Violet was so excited. She couldn't wait for him to walk in the door and was just beaming from ear to ear. It was so cute! Then she would ask if she could touch him and would rub his leg. She loves to hold him and gets so excited. She certainly has a motherly instinct! 

All the kiddos! I'm glad we all live close enough to get together, it's so fun! 


Trying on Conner's turtle costume. Mason hates being on his tummy so this didn't go well, despite the smile. The costume was a little small, Conner was about 2 months younger when he wore it. Mason's head apparently is quite large as the hat wouldn't buckle. 

We were looking for a stocking hat for little dude, found this skull cap :) Ha! The cap came with a bank robber Halloween outfit that my mom ordered, it was pretty cute. 

Wearing our Halloween costume around the house again. This costume is going to get it's money's worth! She was an astronaut doctor one day. She was also a mom with her children on different moons so she had to fly to different moons to feed them a snack. We read astronaut/space books at night and she will say "mom, I wish we could go to the moon some day". Me too kiddo, that would be pretty cool :) 

And this girl has a love for pockets. This costume has about 4 pockets, she was so excited. She liked to fill them with candy from Casper. Ha! She really thought this was the best costume ever. 

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