Thursday, December 10, 2020

Five Months!

I love this picture! This is one of my favorite outfits Mason had at the time. I can't wait to take more baseball pictures of this little dude as he grows up. It was a nice October day but the grass was still a little chilly. I didn't get any great smiling photos because of the cold grass. 

At 5 months, Mason is still sleeping through the night in his "magic merlin sleepsuit" He is rolling from his belly to back. He loves watching Addison. He laughs hysterically when his shirt is off and you touch his chest. His laugh is the best sound in the world. And we get to hear it often!  

This girl loves the jumping pillow at the orchard. 

Tried to get a nice fall photo of the kids. This was the best I got. Mason was knocking Addison over. 

She enjoys almost all activities at the orchard. I'm so glad we bought passes, it's nice to spend a couple hours there for entertainment. 

I don't know why, but she likes to take pictures backwards. She thinks it's so funny. I didn't include the photo, but she made Ryan turn around too. Crazy kid. 

Again, tried to get a good photo of the kids but Mason is just too big for her to hold. And he's squirmy. 

 So we just took a selfie instead. 

Since I am writing these for photos two months behind, I don't do a very good job of capturing the "in the moment" things Addison says. I need to try to do better at that. This morning she says to me "Mom, when is the coronavirus going to be gone? It's been here a long time" Yup, it sure has. And it probably will be here a while longer. I told her hopefully by her birthday things will be a little better. Although our family has been getting out and about more this fall, we just try to be safe. I loved being able to take her to the orchard to have fun since all the city sports have been canceled. She wants to do things but there is nothing to do! I should have signed up her up at the dance studio but the cost and time commitment was more than I was ready for. I really wanted to take her to Disney on Ice this year, that was a birthday tradition for me when I was younger. But I didn't feel comfortable going to an event like that inside. 

She also told us one night about a month ago about her day at the little school. The elementary school requires the kids to wear masks but the little school (daycare) does not. Apparently one day, she asked her teacher at daycare if she had any extra masks because she didn't have hers that day and would like to wear one. Ha! The teacher told her no. Addison told us that her big school has extra masks and she was sad her little school didn't. Haha! Crazy kid. I can only imagine what her teacher thought. Now the daycare requires masks too, I'm sure Addison was the only one happy about it. 

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