Friday, December 4, 2020

Family Game Night

Family game night - we taught Addison how to play UNO and Left Right Center. We had a good time! Mason hung out in the bumbo with some toys for part of the time and on my lap the rest. I'm excited for more game nights :) 

Addison usually chooses to play Hi-ho Cherry-O, Candy Land, and Sequence. Oh and Cootie. I played a lot of Hi-Ho Cherry-O and Cootie with my dad. 

Seriously, that smile :) 

We were at the pumpkin patch (again) and Addison asked how old she has to be to ride the train by herself. She was talking about the big train.... yea I'm not comfortable with that! But we told her she could ride the little tractor/train by herself. This is about 5 wagons pulled behind a tractor that goes around the yard and we can see her the whole time :) She was pretty proud of herself that she did it all by herself. 

Yes another picture of the back of his head..... It sounds weird but I'm glad I did this with Addison too. It's crazy how much their hair changes! Addison's hair was soo dark and she had more than Mason. Her's turned light and then fuzzy around 7 months. You couldn't help but to touch her hair! 

These are pictures of Addy with her fuzzy hair :) Mason's hair is NOTHING like hers! 

This isn't a very flattering picture of Mason, he looks like a chunky monkey! Addison refers to herself as "Big Sister" and insists that if I'm talking to Mason, I have to refer to her as "Big Sister" too. Last night we had the 'argument' about who is our best bud. Addison insists that her and Mason are best buds therefore Ryan and I can't be best buds with Mason. She also refers to Mason as "our baby" or "my baby". She got pretty worked up if Ryan or I tried to claim Mason as our best bud - ha! 

 And this is not a flattering picture of myself..... but that's life. ha! Addison loves to take photos and this was actually a pretty good one of Mason. I have been working from home the majority of the time, which is wonderful. I don't have to get dressed up and commute. I love it! And I can work out during the day, which is amazing. Probably wouldn't happen if I was at the office. Gotta lose that baby weight you know.... almost there! So it's t-shirts and leggings every day and maybe a nice top if I have a meeting :) I love working at home. 

1 comment:

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