Thursday, July 11, 2019

Dear Reagan......

Reagan's birthday was in February so we wanted to make her a card. I thought this picture was super cute, she looks like she is thinking hard about what to write to Reagan about. 
It's been a while now so I can't quite remember, but she probably had me draw her and Reagan as princesses - haha! 

We sent Reagan a donkey like ours, Addison thought "that would be a good surprise". The donkey has been entertainment for a couple years for us! 

Magnets don't work on our fridge, so she has to do it on the old file cabinet in the office.

Had to document this, she is terrified of this stuffed Olaf because Ryan chased her, pecking her with Olaf's carrot nose. She was terrified for months! Then we were home sick one day and she gave him a hug. I had to take a picture and send it to Ryan - ha! 

When I was little, I always watched "Wilbur" aka Charlotte's Web. I watched it on VHS, recorded from TV so I had commercials. When I was sick, my dad would come in the house every 90 minutes and rewind and restart the movie for me. My dad jokes that he doesn't know why they didn't buy me the actual tape, as I watched it non-stop. I could still tell you what some of those commercials were. I got the DVD in high school, so at least Addy doesn't have to watch it on VHS with commercials. ha! 
I got Addy hooked on Wilbur and she asked to watch it one night when she was sick. So I made her stand next to the TV and we sent the picture above to Grandpa Ron. 

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