Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Bones for Rocky & JJ

We were playing with play-doh and she wanted me to make two bones. She told me she had to give them to Grandpa Ron for Rocky & JJ. 

We were at Grandma & Grandpa's house in Ames and Grandma wasn't there. She told me to take a picture for Grandma. Ha! Addison was sitting in the bar stool without her booster and she was pretty proud. She was also excited about the spaghetti pie. 

But she was more excited about getting a peanut butter cup cookie! 

She made a path with her rags from the door to our bedroom to her step stool. She was pretending it was a bridge and she couldn't fall off. It's fun to see her imagination growing, I hadn't seen her make up a story like that before! 

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