Sunday, July 28, 2019

Big 12 Championship

Funny how I'm just posting about the Big 12 Tournament and we are getting emails to renew our basketball tickets right now :) Well last March, the Julius family decided not to go to the Big 12 Tournament. We weren't really sure which ISU team we would see, so we didn't want to risk taking the time off and spending the money this year. BUT..... all of the sudden, we were in the championship! So Saturday morning, Ryan and I woke up and called my parents to see if they were interested in going. And we called Landon to see if we could get tickets. So we dropped Addison off with my mom, picked up my dad, and headed to KC! 

We saw some women's basketball players at the Power & Light District. Other people were getting their photos with them, and Ryan snapped a picture of them too. He got called out. Ha! They made fun of him for taking a photo of people he didn't know and told him to get in for a picture. It was quite funny! Bridget Carleton is the one on the far left, and she is probably one of, if the not the best, woman player ever to play at ISU. She's in the WNBA now. 

Brayden got to come this year! 

Our seats weren't fantastic, but it didn't matter! We were in the building at least. :) 

We beat Kansas 78-66. It was a fun game! 

Family picture at the end. 

Brayden had a blast! So glad he came with us this year. 

BUT even more exciting we was that we met our new nephew that night!! I was bummed we didn't have time to see him before the game, but I was excited we could see him when we got back. Nolan Michael was born just a few weeks earlier. He spent a week in the NICU but was home by the time of the tournament. He was so tiny and super precious. I felt really bad we saw him without Addison, she was so excited about him! 

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