Saturday, February 23, 2019

The funny things you say

So I know I'm about 3 months behind on posting, but I wanted to take a minute to tell you Addison some of the funny things you say/do right now. I'm worried I will forget if I don't do it now!

1. "Be patient Mom" - When we ask you to do something and you don't really want to do it.... you say "Be patient Mom". So when we have asked you for the tenth time to get undressed to take a bath, you tell us to be patient. Ha! When we are trying to get out the door for work/daycare and you aren't done playing, you tell us to be patient. You have learned to use that phrase against us! Oh and sometimes you say "just a second mom!" It's pretty funny.

2. "Hear me Dad!" When we are having a conversation with someone other than you, and you want to talk, you yell "Hear me Dad (or mom)!" So if Mom and Dad are talking and we aren't paying attention to you right away, you yell "Hear Me Mom!". And if we are holding you, you take both hands and put them on our face to turn our face to look at you. And you have a real serious look on your face. It's quite funny. So now, when you ignore us (especially when you play the iPad), we yell at you "Hear me Addison!!" We think we are pretty funny. You try not to laugh.

3. You are obsessed with the movie Trolls right now. We started watching it about a month ago when you were sick. You know the movie so well, you can recite some lines now. Dad and I actually like that movie as well, we enjoy watching it together. Every single time, you yell "oh no Poppy!!" when she falls through the trees..... as if you have never seen it before - ha!

4. You think everyone goes to work. If we ask you if you played with Emmy at daycare, sometimes you say "no Emmy at work". Speaking of daycare, every night when I get home and walk in the door, you always yell "MOM!! Go See Shannon!!" Every. Single. Day. Ha!

5. "No can't watch" - so this one started with us trying to get you to eat your food. Sometimes it's a struggle to get you to eat at meal time. And you don't like to try new things. So we started telling you "don't eat that green pepper" or "dad won't believe it if you eat that green pepper" and then "I can't watch, don't eat it okay?" And when we told you we can't watch and cover our eyes, you think it's hilarious. Then of course we have quite the reaction when you do eat the item. You laugh so hard!  So now for fun, if we ask you to eat something, you will cover your eyes, shake your head, and say "No can't watch" which means you want us to play the game.

I will write down more as I think of them (or you say them). You are pretty entertaining right now!

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