Saturday, February 9, 2019

Go See Reagan!

We had Thanksgiving in Minneapolis and we weren't busy the day before, so we called the Eggers. They were free too (which never happens for us) so we made the plans to visit! Addison had not met Reagan yet and I hadn't see her since she was a few weeks old. 

They live about an hour west of the cities so made the 4 hour drive with a toddler. She was so excited to see Reagan she was really good. She did have to go potty when we were about 45 minutes away, but that's okay. We FaceTime with Erin and Reagan so she "knew" who we were going to see. She was pumped. 

The trip did not disappoint - ha! Two peas in a pod. Addison was soooo in love with Reagan. She loved talking to her and watching her every move. 

Erin was tickling Reagan and making her laugh so Addison wanted to try. It looks like she's doing chest compressions, but I assure you that's her tickling. Ha! It's been a few months but this are some of Addison's favorite pictures to look at on my phone. So glad I took so many!

I'm so so happy we got to spend a few short hours together! It was a great visit. For a long time after this trip, we would get in the car and Addison would ask to "go see Reagan" and we would say we can't, she would reply "go see Erin" - smart kid, but you didn't trick us. Ha! 

Cousins & kids! I wish our kiddos could grow up together but we live so far apart. Good thing there is FaceTime :) 

Reagan's first birthday is coming up and we made her a card yesterday. Addison carried it around all day long yesterday and today. She is going to be heartbroken when she goes to look for it and realizes I put it in the envelope and sent it to the farm.......

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Reagan is so lucky to have Addison to look up to! They are too cute together! :)
