Friday, February 15, 2019

Go See Santa!

Well we bought Addison that Santa Cabbage Patch Kid, we talked about Santa, we watched Santa on Elf, THEN we decided to go see Santa. Bass Pro has a Santa Wonderland. The staff there are pretty amazing and Santa is awesome. We like to go early (as in November) to make sure we make a good impression on Santa and he remembers Addison on the nice list. :)

BUT Addison was a little nervous, so we had to make a few trips to Bass Pro to walk around and look at Santa first. We waved at him (by "we" I mean me, while Addison hid). Then finally, we decided it was time to go sit on his lap. Here's how that went:

HA! We knew going into it that most likely Addison would not sit on his lap. We called it a win as she didn't cry. She was definitely not happy, but she wasn't screaming....... 

Yet almost every time we got in the car after that, she said "Go see Santa??" :) So we did go back to play and look at the fish a few more times but we didn't attempt to sit on his lap again. 

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