Sunday, February 24, 2019

I wear my sunglasses at night....

We went to Bass Pro to see Santa and we took some pictures with Grandpa Ron & Grandma Rita for their Christmas card. Addison was pretty tired and cranky so it was a lot of work for mom and dad to half way decent photos. 

These are Brayden's old sunglasses and Addison found them in a drawer. She insisted on wearing them one night when she was eating her snack, so we kept sing the song "I wear my sunglasses at night so I can so I can see" to her. She told us to stop singing. 

Had to send this one to her aunts and uncles to make sure they knew they were missing out on Casey's at Grandma & Grandpa's house. I could go for some Casey's right now, looks delicious! 

Addison wanted to wear Grandma Rita's coat. Grandma and Grandpa weren't home at the time and that was really throwing her for a loop!  I thought she looked a little like E.T. - ha! 

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