Sunday, November 4, 2018


I didn't realize I needed to catch up on some videos. The video above wouldn't really make sense to anyone else, but Ryan and I will laugh when we look back at it. We have this game with these different colored balls. Addison loves to take them off the tray and put them back on. She has this order of the colors in her head, so she puts them all on then you will hear her say "nooooo" to herself. Then she rearranges them and puts them in the "right" order. This wasn't a one-time thing either, she has been using the same order for a couple months (Ryan keeps track, ha). 

I mentioned in a previous post about how we are working on baseball. She can whack the ball pretty good. Just think of how good she would be if she used the big end of the bat! She says "wham" every time she hits it. 

So people have thought we were crazy, but we withheld condiments from Addison until she was almost 2.5 (just a couple months shy). I've been around enough kids, I know that once you give most kids ketchup it becomes a food group for them! So one day in August, we were feeling generous I guess and we gave her ketchup. This video shows her first time eating it. She was nervous to try it at first. Now we are working 'what ketchup goes with'. Yesterday I believe we said "no, ketchup doesn't go with carrots" and "no, ketchup doesn't go with alfredo pasta". haha!

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