Tuesday, November 20, 2018

It's football season!

Some day I will catch up on this blog :) These photos were taken the first weekend of September, which was also the first football game. We had to break out our Lents jersey since it finally sort of fit! I tried to pose her for a good picture, the football is bigger than her!

I apparently didn't take any photos at all Labor Day weekend. I of course had to work Saturday, but Addison played at the house with Makena and Grandma Rita. They got 5 minutes of the game in before it was delayed for lightning. A couple hour rain delay and they ended up canceling the game. Now we are playing another game on Dec. 1. BRRRR........

 We got some bubbles from the Skjevelands, there was one bottle that produced a TON of bubbles! She was loving running through the bubbles and popping them.

These bubbles also floated forever!! They would float down the street. It was the craziest thing.  It was torture some times for her to sit and wait and wait for a bubble to come low enough that she could pop it.

She would squeal when they popped near or on her face. I know I've put a ton of bubble pictures in Addison's blog, but she has so much fun I can't resist taking pictures!

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